How to quickly remove the fat from the belly and sides to the house?

Get rid of a big belly want to and the men and women

Have you noticed its sides and the size of the excess of phones and can't fix your favorite denim? It is time to get into shape: clean the belly and to combat against the surplus fat. How to quickly remove belly fat and in a short period of time, will become the owner of an attractive of form (or the press 6 dice, if you are a man)? This article contains the most effective exercises for the press and tips on nutrition, in fact, without a good diet, a flat stomach, you can forget it.

Get rid of a big belly want to and the men and women

7 simple tips to a beautiful size

Avoid stress

In situations of stress in the body increases the rate of cortisol – a hormone that on long high promotes the accumulation of fat on the belly. Use the proven tools for sedation: extract of valerian, motherwort, teach loved ones to a relaxing massage.

Positive emotions help you in the correction

Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages

Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages

Alcohol also increases the amount of cortisol, and promotes the appearance of fat deposits at the waist. In addition, during the reception of the alcohol becomes difficult to control the hunger.

To remove the belly fat, the money, to give up alcohol

It is particularly dangerous to the beer, which contains phytoestrogens, also promote fat deposits. You observed the so-called "beer belly"? If you have decided to fight for a thin waist, the beer is preferable not to exclude of the power supply. Ditto for the "club" cocktails such as pina-colada, or a mojito in a lot of sugar. If alcohol is not avoided, to drink white dry wine.

Exclude-calorie products

Unfortunately, alternatively of the excess ballast does not get rid of. If you want to remove excess fat on the sides and belly, it to sit on the diet for a few weeks .

Don't forget that to lose weight, you must consume more calories than you consume. To get rid of 1 kilogram, you must create in the body a deficit of 7000 calories. May be, more easy will be more easy to abandon a hearty dinner, rather than running in the park for three hours.

Less starch, more fibre

The diet should include the most possible green and red vegetables, but be careful, as they do starch. The fibers contained in vegetables, helps reduce weight. Its fibers fill the stomach, and the man is not tormented by hunger. Also diversify the diet of wild or brown rice, meat, poultry, and fish.

Slimming lean on vegetables
Slimming lean on vegetables

Make a list of stop-products

Eliminate from your diet all of the meat cooked on the fire to steam cook. Forget the fast-food, chips and crackers, milk shakes, ice cream – instead of preparing snacks balanced: sliced carrots or green apples, fresh berries.

If you are thirsty, drink simple water: in half a litre of a bottle of green tea contains about 135 kcal, lemonade, etc. the same volume contains more than 200 kcal. In itself, the coca-cola is not lead to obesity, as expressed in the popular myth of the soda, but for those who want to lose weight, it is better to refuse.

Not all fruits are equally useful

Avoid fruits with a high content of fructose, which is quickly "saturate" the liver glycogen and only most high stirs up the appetite: pomegranates, cherries, seedless grapes), banana, watermelon, pear, dried fruit: raisins, dried apricots, figs, mangoes.

Drink a lot of water

During the day, eat at least 2 liters of water. The water "disperse" the metabolism, eliminates impurities and toxins. And poor metabolism get rid of fat is virtually impossible. If the ill-excretory system – take of the diuretic fees. To remove the belly fat, the transfers must be very active.

Unfortunately, all of these actions will be useless without exercise. To quickly remove the stomach and tone the muscles, you need every day to do two simple exercises: rotate the hoop and download press.

Exercises with a hoop

Start with sessions with a hula hoop – thus, you will prepare the muscles of the stomach to the exercise of the press.

Daily 10 minutes of a complex with a hoop and improve blood circulation and metabolism, normalizes lymph flow in the problem areas (and it is indispensable in the fight against the sides and the cellulite). A 10-minute twist hoop burns about 100 calories. With time, the duration of the exercise "hoop" can increase up to 30 minutes.

It is desirable that the hula hoop was equipped with jet balls. Because of them the first few sessions of training can be painful, so for a start, it is preferable that the package of size, fabric belt, otherwise you run the risk of bruising. Newbies better pay attention to the light hoops weigh up to 1.5 kg

If you just need to turn the hoop too boring, you offer the video with the complex dynamics of exercises designed to improve the overall tone.

After a workout with a hula hoop continue to the exercise of the press.

Exercises on the press. The main

It is important! If you are going to download of the press without follow a strict diet, you will get the opposite effect: the muscles of the press will increase and visually that will increase the belly.

When the torquenti not the penalty too high to lift the box, just mount it at 45 degrees to the ground. Pushed the chin to the neck is not worth it, as the strain of your neck: the rise must be at the expense of the abdominal muscles.

Watch for breathing: the rise of the housing must be made on the EXPIRY.

It is important to perform exercises at least before the so-called sense of "burning": it is from this time, the press begins to be pumped. Each approach, the weight of the gold.

After the exercise, the press again in 10 minutes to roll the hoop to consolidate the results.

How to remove belly fat at home?

It is specially designed for complex exercises for a flat stomach, which is easy to do at home and get great results. A compilation of exercises, which fills in all groups of abdominal muscles.

Exercise 1

A selection of exercises

Starting Position – lying on back, hands behind the head. Lift the enclosure and, simultaneously, pull your knees up towards your chest, while the heel to the buttocks. The most possible and then pull your tummy in. Extend one leg (she remains on the weight), and the knee of the other leg, tighten the opposite elbow. And then another tribe to the other elbow. These approaches made 20.

Exercise 2

The starting position on the flank, the legs bent slightly at the knees. Lying on the left side, to the right, slightly turn the housing around its own axis. Stretch the hands to the soles of his feet, with off the ground the knees and the shoulder blades. Hold the position for a minute. Do the same exercise, lying on the other side. Do 20 approaches.

Exercise 3

Starting Position – on your back, legs bent, climb in the ground, the lower back against the floor, hands along the body. On the exhalation, at maximum, lift the pelvis up and pull the belly. Hold the position for 30 to 40 seconds. Then slowly turn down the basin on the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Exercise 4

Starting Position – in the back

Starting Position – on your back, knees tight on the chest, the hands spread to the hand, the palm pressed against the ground. A little lift to the buttocks and the thighs move to the right, keep the knees together, without dropping it on the floor. Return to the starting position, do the same thing on the opposite side. Do 20 approaches.

Exercise 5

Starting Position – on your back, legs bent at the knees.The knees on one side, and the hands to the other. Therefore, you have spun the body in opposite directions. Then repeat the exercise, throw the lap of the other and the hands of the other. Exercise 20.

Physical exercises are recommended to all those who wish to reduce weight without harm to health, including young mothers.

How to clean the belly?

One of the problem areas, many women is regarded as of the abdomen. What exercises will help you to bring back the resilience the bottom of the belly?

Of traditional exercises, on the lower part of the press: the rise to the vertical legs of the position – lying on the back; lifting the pelvis with a simultaneous rise to the top of the legs, with the tail bone off the ground.

A frequent mistake: during the climb to help themselves kicks, which leads to the load on the hip joints and the muscles of the legs, not the press.

Your goal is not to just raise the legs and focus and shoot at exactly the lower muscles of the abdomen, that is to say, a lot of work to represent the muscles of the pelvis. When performing exercises, you can focus on that will feel a burning sensation in the lower abdomen – this is the result of muscle work.

In compliance with the recommendations at the end of 1.5 months young, the muscles of the belly will be to keep the abdominal wall. Except for a flat stomach, you'll size it to respond to the same muscle groups.

Extender be for the press

Extender be for the press

If you want to get results as quickly as possible, you can include it in the training program exercises with the chest expander. Their advantage lies in the implementation of several groups of muscles.

Thus, the great popularity of the strap to a bench, to make a firm belly and in shape, and at the same time to strengthen the muscles of the back, legs, and buttocks, releasing the spine from a bad load.

Exercise 1

Lie on the floor and break his legs. The hands grasp the handle and roll his chest. Raise the legs to an angle of 90 degrees, with, pull on the handle. Do not lower the feet on the ground until the end, leave 5-6 inches on paul. The exercise is good for the top of the press.

Exercise 2

Sit on the floor and bend your legs. Holding the handle, move slowly back, until your head does not reach the sex, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is good injects abdominal.

Exercise 3

As you exhale, lift up at the same time the upper part of the body and bend the knees of the leg

As you exhale, lift up at the same time the upper body and bend at the knees of the leg, raising him in the arm.

But not the sentence after that forget about the course and the nutrition. In effect, a flat stomach is a way of life. Only regular exercise and a well composed diet will help you maintain the result obtained.